You have just launched your local delivery and curbside pick-up service and now it’s time to think about the best way to group orders based on delivery routes, products purchased and much more. The best way to group and organize orders in Shopify is by using Order Tags. They are easy to filter and can be used to trigger automatic workflows. Or just a simple way to identify which store or staff member fulfils what orders.

Our newest integration will make your life a whole lot easier! Order Tagger fully integrates with Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery to manage orders and streamline fulfilment processes. We have worked together with Order Tagger to provide you with the ability to organize your local deliveries and pick-ups using order tags, which are automatically applied to the orders based on a set of rules you create.

Merchants who get a lot of orders out the door through curbside pickup and local delivery will find this integration a life saver. Order Tagger allows merchants to create rules to tag orders with the selected delivery/pick-up date the customer selects from the Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery widget. The integration can also tag based on the zip codes, the location they would need to pick up from, the product they have purchased and so much more.

These rules provide you with the flexibility to create automated and streamlined fulfilment workflows which help to manage orders and improve efficiency.

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery gives your customers convenient options to shop and collect their items, while Order Tagger helps you stay on top of all of your orders.

Get started using the Zapiet - Pickup and Delivery app from Shopify and get a 30 day free trial. Learn more about Order Tagger on the Shopify app store and supercharge your fulfilment and delivery workflows, where they offer a 7-day free trial.

If you need help setting up the integration, view the help article or please contact our support team at or Order Tagger at