As a 100% remote team, Zapiet prides its culture on an environment of many talented remote team members from different backgrounds and skills to help clients on the most advanced store pickup + delivery tools available to Shopify merchants worldwide. Our talented team is located in cities around the world such as Quito, Lisbon, London, Montreal, Singapore, and more. Today we are traveling to snowy Canada!

Meet Sandy!

Sandy is a Merchant Support agent here at Zapiet. Sandy works hard to make sure our merchants are set up for success and helps them maximize their use of our different apps. We chat with Sandy to learn more about how she joined the team, her hobbies and her latest Netflix binge.

Q: What is your role and how did you join Zapiet?  

I’m a Merchant Support agent at Zapiet. I joined a little over 2 years ago, and was the first “outsider” employee. By this, I mean that I didn’t know Andrew or Sam when I applied for the job.

I was working at an online store that was using Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery, and the day that I was leaving that company, Andrew was visiting my then, boss. I mentioned that I would be looking for a new job soon and Andrew heard it and asked me to contact him when I would. The rest is history :)

Q: You have helped so many merchants, what is a moment that stands out for you?  

The thankful messages that we received from companies, especially at the beginning of the pandemic, telling us that we were helping for them to keep offering their products and services and to stay afloat during these uncertain times. Knowing that our apps were able to help merchants keep their stores running by offering their customers a pickup time or offering the local delivery, was rewarding.

Q: What are you most excited about this year both professionally and personally?

Professionally, I am excited to see stores go through the pandemic and still be strong and running when this is over.  

Personally, I got engaged last summer and I’m excited to plan my wedding!

Q: What does a day in your life look like?

Waking up too early (5:30a.m. - 6:00a.m.), thanks to my toddler.  
Drop him off to daycare.
Starting to work at 8:00 a.m.
Working my partial Zapiet shift until noon.
Then, my “mom shift” starts where I do the laundry, the cleaning, the shopping, etc.

Q: What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?

At the moment, playing in the snow (I’m in Canada) and watching cartoons with my son.

Q: What are some of your hobbies outside of work?  

Thrifting! Love the thrill of searching and finding good deals. I have also studied Textile Design and would love to start doing screen printing again

Q: What is your latest Netflix Binge?  

Currently watching Superstore and I have just completed The Sinner season 3.

Q: What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?

Berlin. It will be our honeymoon destination!

Wow Berlin is definitely also on our "top must visit cities list!" We learned so much from our chat with Sandy. If you are interested in working with us at Zapiet, we’re always happy to hear from you - whether we’re currently hiring or not. Feel free to contact us at with your CV and a few sentences about why you think you would be a good fit for our remote company culture.