Sala de imprensa

Manage your business using the most sophisticated retail technology on the planet

Ícone de integração
March 2, 2021

5 Community-Built API Tools Developers Should Check Out

The PHP Shopify API Wrapper is a package for PHP development, built by the Zapiet team.

Ícone de integração
November 23, 2020

Zapiet e Trexity se unem para oferecer entrega local no mesmo dia para os comerciantes

Foi uma escolha óbvia para Zapiet e Trexity se unirem e oferecerem aos seus clientes a melhor experiência possível.

Ícone de integração
November 20, 2020

Tipps für Einzelhändler in Zeiten von COVID-19: Einnahmeausfälle ausgleichen

Eine Liste mit Ressourcen und Ratschlägen für Einzelhändler.

Ícone de integração
September 9, 2020

Indo além na entrega de produtos frescos com Zapiet e Onfleet.

Onfleet e Zapiet trabalham juntos desde 2019 e têm alimentado várias indústrias para fornecer entrega local.

Ícone de integração
July 29, 2020

O que é o serviço de retirada na calçada e por que oferecê-lo aos seus clientes

Opções que permitiram a milhares de lojas Shopify continuar oferecendo um ótimo serviço aos seus clientes: retirada na calçada.

Ícone de integração
July 21, 2020

Kiwibot is now delivering love in San Jose

After completing over 100,000 deliveries within San Jose, we will be launching with close collaboration with Shopify, Ordermark, Zapiet

Ícone de integração
July 14, 2020

Episode #34: Zapiet - The App For Store Pickup and Delivery

Due to merchants having to quickly adapt, Zapiet has been one of the favoured apps during COVID-19.

Ícone de integração
June 30, 2020

Best Practices to Manage Local Pickup Orders From Your Retail Store

Pushing for true retail resilience, even if you’ve never done it before, you may have started offering local pickup.

Ícone de integração
April 16, 2020

26 Shopify Apps for Retailer’s Grappling with COVID-19

Steering your business through the COVID-19 pandemic means adapting to a changing online retail landscape.

Ícone de integração
April 6, 2020

How to start selling online to serve customers during COVID-19

With the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, reaching customers with online shopping options is more.

Ícone de integração
March 15, 2020

Episode #85: Boost Your Conversion Rate With The Most Advanced Store Pickup And Local Delivery Solution

Zapiet is the most complete store pickup and local delivery solution for Shopify.

Ícone de integração
April 23, 2018

Deliv now offers same-day delivery for Shopify retailers

Deliv, partners with Zapiet to offer same-day delivery, by enabling Shopify retailers to offer scheduled, same-day delivery to customers